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  • Writer's pictureEsther Wilkins

How to Find Bulk Mailing Services Near Me

For companies that send thousands of pieces of direct mail on a regular basis, bulk mailing services can help reduce the cost of their campaign. These services can include printing, presorting, and discounted postage rates.

To get the best postage rate for your mail, follow USPS guidelines for bulk mail. You can also get a permit from the postal service.

In addition to paying for postage, you must also prepare your mailing list, design your direct mailer, and pay for the printed materials. Before choosing a mailing provider, consider your budget and the range of options. A quality company will ensure the safety of your mail during the process, and will help you design your direct mailer.

If you are considering using EDDM, it's worth your while to test different mailer and color combinations. There are many factors to keep in mind, including the size and weight of your mailing piece, the mailing addresses you want to target, and the type of envelopes you'll use.

With a combination of demographic targeting and bulk mailing, you can boost your response rates. Marketers can print out their offers, test layouts, and compare color combinations.

When selecting a printing service, it's important to choose a vendor that offers high-quality printing and a cost-effective rate. It's also a good idea to choose a company that will customize your direct mailer to advertise your business.

PostGrid provides a wide range of bulk mail and printing solutions that can help you solve your bulk mailing problems. This includes real-time tracking, a mail list builder, and complete mailing fulfillment.



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